Nurture & Nature
April - June 2018 | Issue #103

Editor's Note

When wondering around NIE campus, the conversation of plants and tress often comes up. From the dense forest surrounding us to the vibrant heliconias that line our plaza to the peaceful foliage at the focal point of our canteen, trees make an illuminating allegory for what we do at NIE. Imagine us as a big majestic tree; encoded from seed to stand tall amongst our fellow plants, providing an intricate shelter of knowledge for all who gather under our branches; growing stronger every year and adapting to our changing environment to nurture the future educators of our country.

In this issue, we will see evidence of our nurturing spirit in the forging of ties with Griffith University and Seoul National University that will facilitate enhancement to our BA/BSc programme. We also celebrate with the Asian Languages and Cultures (ALC) Academic Group (AG) for their Malay language and culture appreciation events led by Associate Professor Hadijah Rahmat which has been a valuable resource for the community visiting the National Library. And amidst this lush nurturing environment, we are also reminded by Associate Professor Jude Chua to revisit the ancient greek term thaumazein; the concern of the importance of wondering as a pertinent pathway to critical thinking in the pursuit of knowledge.

I hope you enjoy this issue and delve into our many exciting and nurturing activities. May it serve as sunlight to your surface. 
Paul Lincoln

Time Table For April To June 2018

April 2018

  • 05 April – Caring Teacher Awards 2018

  • 06 April – 6th Lau Teng Chuan Physical Education and sports Science Symposium

  • 13 – 17 April – American Education Research Association Conference (AERA) 2018

May 2018

  • 13 May – NIE Post Graduate Fair 2018

  • 28 May – Launch of IoT@NIE Learning Lab

June 2018

  • 19 – 21 June – International Science Education Conference 2018

ICSEI 2018: Deepening Education Research For Greater Impact

The 31st annual International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI) was held in Singapore from 8 to 12 January 2018.

New Year, New Partnerships

NIE is pleased to welcome its 18th and 19th partner universities through two Memoranda of Agreement (MoA) established early this year.

Fostering A Community Of Graduate Learners

An online initiative that allows NIE higher degree students to post questions and share learning experiences is now available to all graduate students.

Thaumazein: Don’t Forget To Wonder

By Associate Professor Jude Chua Soo Meng, Head, Policy and Leadership Studies Academic Group

It is important to maintain the capability to wonder in school children. The fostering of a sense of wonder, and the creation of opportunities for these ‘awesome’ experiences, enables a complete philosophical education alongside ‘critical thinking’.

Educating The Whole Person: The Challenge Ahead

By Professor Dennis Shirley, Lynch School of Education, Boston College

Some critics believe that schools demand too much thinking, while others argue that schools have become too soft, with too much “heart” and not enough “mind”. How should educators respond to this debate without damaging students’ creativity or undermining their intellectual development?

From Nurturing Hearts To Nurturing Minds

By Dr Kit Phey Ling, Counselling Psychologist and Lecturer, Psychological Studies Academic Group

Research has shown that success in nurturing the heart of school children, can facilitate the good work by parents and teachers to cultivate their minds. Discover what educators can do to help students overcome difficult times in order to thrive academically.

In Exchange For A Lasting Legacy

Daniel Chow, a fourth year student under the Teaching Scholars Programme, passed up the opportunity to attend an overseas semester exchange in order to mentor a group of students sitting for their ‘O’ and ‘N’ levels.

Nurturing With Tough Love

Associate Professor Shirley Lim has a penchant for making students think independently and critically by getting them to defend their research concepts and methodologies, as well as formulate their own hypothesis.

Back To School

After spending 20 years away from school as a student, Lim Ai Lay has chosen to return to NIE to pursue her Master’s degree in Special Education. NIEWS finds out why.

NIE: A Model Education System For Nurturing

Professor Richie Poulton is NIE’s 12th CJ Koh Professor and the Director of the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Research Unit at the University of Otago, New Zealand.

From his lifelong work on human development, Professor Poulton believes that life trajectories can sometimes go awry, but intervention is possible and the person can be brought back on track. Robust education systems, like NIE, provide a critical avenue for teachers to reach out to students, strengthen their emotional regulatory capabilities and help them stay on track to become useful members of the society.

A Letter To My Teacher

By Deborah Hopkinson, with illustration by Nancy Carpenter.

“Dear Teacher, whenever I had something to tell you, I tugged on your shirt and whispered in your ear. This time I’m writing a letter.”

Everybody Matters – The Extraordinary Power Of Caring For Your People Like Family

By Bob Chapman and Raj Sisodia

The book traces the genesis of Chapman’s groundbreaking ‘truly human’ leadership and management principles by putting people at the heart of leadership.

Successful Social Stories For Young Children With Autism: Growing Up With Social Stories

By Siobhan Timmins

Timmins, who is a physician and the mother of an autistic son, had used Social Stories to successfully help her son overcome his learning impediments.

Bookmark (this) Café

Overlooking a verdant tropical rainforest, the Bookmark Café of NIE Library features an open and tranquil environment perfect for students to discuss group assignments, research projects or simply chill out.
Cosily furnished with comfortable sofas and plenty of seating space, the café also provides its patrons with complimentary Wi-Fi for high-speed Internet access and numerous power points to charge up laptops and mobile devices.
A generous selection of artisan cakes and savoury delights guarantees to whet the appetite. Try the Ondeh-Ondeh Cake and the Tandoori Basil Chicken Wrap, which are two of the café’s all-time favourites. For coffee and tea connoisseurs, be spoilt by an extensive range of gourmet beverages. Don’t miss their cold-dripped coffee that promises the full, unadulterated flavour of coffee beans. 

Need catering? The café can also provide delicious chows for parties, meetings and events on the campus.
Visit the café inside NIE Library at Level 3, Block 4. The Bookmark Café is open on weekdays from 9am to 7pm during school terms, and from 9am to 4pm during vacations.

Learning Through Service

Service-learning is an effective educational approach that provides valuable first-hand pedagogical skills to student teachers by engaging them in community services.

Nalanda: Service-learning In A Remote Indian Village

In December 2017, 16 inspired NIE student teachers embarked on a two-week service learning trip to Nalanda, a village deep in the valleys of Namdapah in northern India.

Patricia Campbell

Patricia’s favourite part of the weekend is when she gets to spend time with her family and friends.

Adelin Toh

A self-confessed foodie, Adelin loves food and revels in cooking up a storm for her family and friends.

Alan Ho

A fervent pursuer of knowledge, Alan appreciates delving into a good book and watching a thought-provoking movie.