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Who’s Game For “Among Us”?

Calling all alumni of the National Institute of Education (NIE)! If you fancy “meeting up” with fellow alumni and getting to know each other over online gaming, this announcement is for you. The NTU-NIE Alumni Association is organising a virtual networking and gaming night on 24 June 2021 via Zoom.

The agenda for the evening? To outwit, outplay and outlast your old pals in “Among Us”, a popular multiplayer online game that is similar to “Murder in the Dark”. Players would be assigned to different teams, and each team would have to complete certain tasks while circumventing sabotage from “imposters”.

Participants will be assigned codes to enter breakout rooms, so that teams can discuss their strategy and decide which teammate to vote out in the course of the game. To level-up the excitement, the game will not support audio chat so players would have to communicate by text.

Ready to prove your prowess in “Among Us”? Scan the QR code below or click on this link to register.

Date: 24 June 2021

Game time: 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm

Registration starts: 7.15 pm

Pre-game brief: 7.30 pm

Supported platforms: PC, Mac, IOS and Android