Editor's Note

‘Reimagining Possibilities' - that is the theme of this 120th issue of NIEWS. But, indeed, one may well ask, why should we do so and not be content with the status quo? 

In a nutshell, reimagining possibilities in our own areas of work is an integral part of our professional being and obligation. When we reimagine, we think of better ways of meeting the needs of our stakeholders who hail from different contexts, and we find ways to utilise the latest developments more effectively in our specific disciplinary fields and harness the rapid achievements in the broader field of information technology.

And, indeed in doing so, we relive the following lines of T. S. Eliot: “… and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started. And know the place for the first time.

The articles featured in this issue highlight some of the ways in which our teaching fraternity has done just that. Take for instance, storytelling – an ancient tradition amongst civilizations, and one that has also always played an integral role in the classrooms. Dr Kogut's essay explains how teachers can take storytelling one notch higher through digital resources, marrying pedagogical application and engaged learning.

Others like Ms Siah Siew Ling, a HOD, draws inspiration from her favorite superheroes to reshape learning experiences of students by creating platforms for them to express themselves as writers to a wider audience through multiple modes. Mr Mathew Ooi, a current TSP scholar, dreams of setting up a room on NIE campus for students and staff to create music together, and Associate Professor Koh Koon Teck advocates creating an engaged narrative with students as they carry out sports activities so that they find sports meaningful rather than a task they need to complete.

Their aspirations and activities are a snapshot of how members of the education fraternity have found new ways in which to reimagine their pedagogical experiences and the impact this has had on students. It is also timely that this issue introduces our FlexiMasters program at NIE where one can take bite-size modules that suit one's needs and fuel one's souls, so that one is able to re-examine familiar ways of doing things and find new perspectives - all through reimagining possibilities.