An Institute of
  • Editor's Note
    Editor's Note

    Central to the job of a teacher is the difficult task of nurturing the next generation of youth towards achieving their full potential. We might think some people are born teachers, but most teachers I have met told me that teaching Is hard work and a craft to be honed over time.

    While Singapore’s teaching professional is recognised as one of the best in the world, we still need to continually improve ourselves to prepare for a constantly changing and uncertain world. Educational Research (ER) is a core course offered in NIE’s Enhanced BA/BSc (Education) programme to prepare and equip pre-service teachers to become action-oriented and evidence-based teachers, capable of conducting their own studies to design lessons and curricula that suit their classes. We have featured some interesting ER studies conducted in this issue.

    As pre-service teachers are being mentored during their stint in NIE, our alumni are continuing the good work mentoring their juniors in schools. Lead Teacher Tina Kishore Sajnani and Senior Teacher Tyrus Chua Chin-Lung from Evergreen Secondary School share their experiences as both mentees and mentors as well as some very useful mentoring tips which you can find online.

    Finally, have a fun read about how teaching runs in some families with the feature on Jo-Anne Seet and four generations of teachers in her family as they bear witness of the change in teaching over time, moving from chalkboards and overhead projectors to Internet, social media and other new forms of media to engage students. Be inspired by their conviction that teaching is a high calling and an opportunity to build character in students.

    To all teachers, Happy Teachers’ Day!

    Assistant Professor, Loh Chin Ee

    Editor's Note

    Central to the job of a teacher is the difficult task of nurturing the next generation of youth towards achieving their full potential. We might think some people are born teachers, but most teachers I have met told me that teaching Is hard work and a craft to be honed over time.

    While Singapore’s teaching professional is recognised as one of the best in the world, we still need to continually improve ourselves to prepare for a constantly changing and uncertain world. Educational Research (ER) is a core course offered in NIE’s Enhanced BA/BSc (Education) programme to prepare and equip pre-service teachers to become action-oriented and evidence-based teachers, capable of conducting their own studies to design lessons and curricula that suit their classes. We have featured some interesting ER studies conducted in this issue.

    As pre-service teachers are being mentored during their stint in NIE, our alumni are continuing the good work mentoring their juniors in schools. Lead Teacher Tina Kishore Sajnani and Senior Teacher Tyrus Chua Chin-Lung from Evergreen Secondary School share their experiences as both mentees and mentors as well as some very useful mentoring tips which you can find online.

    Finally, have a fun read about how teaching runs in some families with the feature on Jo-Anne Seet and four generations of teachers in her family as they bear witness of the change in teaching over time, moving from chalkboards and overhead projectors to Internet, social media and other new forms of media to engage students. Be inspired by their conviction that teaching is a high calling and an opportunity to build character in students.

    To all teachers, Happy Teachers’ Day!

    Assistant Professor, Loh Chin Ee

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