Nurture & Nature
April - June 2018 | Issue #103

Successful Social Stories For Young Children With Autism: Growing Up With Social Stories

By Siobhan Timmins

Developed in 1990, Social Stories are short descriptions of situations that are used to help autistic children decode basic social, emotional and interpersonal cues that would otherwise elude them. Timmins, who is a physician and the mother of an autistic son, had used Social Stories to successfully help her son overcome his learning impediments. This collection of stories is not just for reading to autistic children, they can be adapted into lessons and activities. Through these stories, readers will gain insights into how autistic children process emotions and information. 

Click here to borrow eBook.

A Letter To My Teacher

By Deborah Hopkinson, with illustration by Nancy Carpenter.

“Dear Teacher, whenever I had something to tell you, I tugged on your shirt and whispered in your ear. This time I’m writing a letter.”

Everybody Matters – The Extraordinary Power Of Caring For Your People Like Family

By Bob Chapman and Raj Sisodia

The book traces the genesis of Chapman’s groundbreaking ‘truly human’ leadership and management principles by putting people at the heart of leadership.