An Institute of
Report Card
On Exhibit: Creations By Art Teachers

“In Between” was an art exhibition to spotlight the works of 15 art teachers from various junior colleges across Singapore. It provided a creative outlet to the JC art teachers, who often have to juggle the demands of a heavy teaching schedule with the need to design content, space and experiences for their students’ learning. The exhibition also aims to fulfil the artistic endeavours of art teachers and encourage their efforts at guiding students in their artistic development.

The idea of an experimental showcase for local art teachers was first mooted between friends in January 2018. The concept was concretised eventually through collaboration with other JC art teachers over the course of the year. | Read More |

“In Between” has proven to be a meaningful event on several fronts. Besides demonstrating the passion of art teachers in honing their practice, the exhibition served as a place and space for the reflective practice of their art. It also enabled the art teachers to share their commitment and interest through their artwork and dialogue sessions with NIE student teachers of art and others in the teaching fraternity.

“In Between” was held from 15 to 25 January 2019 at the NIE Art Gallery. The showcase was curated by Mr Tang Li Jen, Senior Art Teacher at Victoria Junior College; Ms Megan Miao from Jurong-Pioneer Junior College; and Ms Jennifer Ng, a former Art Teacher at Anglo-Chinese Junior College.

NIE Visual Arts group supported the effort by collaborating with the art teachers, hosting the exhibition and organising the sharing sessions between the art teachers and student teachers of art at NIE. The interactions inspired our student teachers to discover the fine balance between their own artistic practice and their calling as art educators. The high-quality works, together with the art teachers’ sharing of personal artistic journeys, further provided NIE’s student teachers of art with ideas for their own art projects.

Report Card