Editor’s Note /

I am excited to begin my journey as the Editor of NIEWS with an issue that focuses on the digitalisation of classrooms. This topic is not new to the National Institute of Education as many faculty members have been active advocates of technology, from the Internet of Things to flipped teaching and blended learning, in their interactions with student teachers.

The COVID-19 situation, however, has somehow accelerated the adoption of digitalisation and turned it into an indispensable tool for us to stay in touch with one another and carry on with our work. As a teacher educator and a parent, I identify with many of the issues and experiences described in the Essays by our contributors.

As I read the articles and reflected on my own attempts at digitalisation during the two-month Circuit Breaker, a salient point stood out. Creating value in education remains at the core of our business as educators. While it is necessary to determine and utilise the best platforms for teaching and learning, it would be more important to understand how to leverage technologies for purposeful and meaningful engagement. How can we improve in the delivery of online lessons? How can we help our students to make the most of out the shared digital space?

In closing, I would like to leave you with a question about “Digital Quotient” (DQ) — the latest addition to the list of quotients that include IQ, EQ and AQ. As more and more organisations level up their DQ (or their digital strategies and capabilities) in response to digital disruption, perhaps it is time for us as individuals and community partners in the new digital world to elevate our DQ as well. The question is: Which “Q” should we prioritise?

Associate Professor, Teo Tang Wee