An Institute of

We can all agree, as students, that “Recess” was one of our favourite periods. Aside from a sumptuous spread at the canteen and the snaking queue to the famous Bak Chor Mee, it was also the best time to play our favourite sports, catch up with friends and enjoy a break from lessons.

NIEWS reached out to four faculty members to find out their fondest memories of childhood recess time. We also invite you to share with us your best recess time memories by using the hashtag #ThrowbackRecessTime on Instagram! | Read More |

Assistant Professor Chua Boon Liang
Mathematics and Mathematics Education (MME) Academic Group
“My recess time during primary school was filled with games such as Police & Thief, Zero Point and 老鹰捉小鸡 (loosely translates as “Eagle Catching Chicks”) among others. Lining up to collect my free packet of milk was another fond memory of my primary school days. My classmates and I used to be quite fearful of bumping into dental nurses while we were enjoying our sweets and keropok snacks too. Were you afraid of dental nurses too?”
Associate Professor Loh Chin Ee
English Language and Literature (ELL) Academic Group
“Recess was certainly one of my favourite periods! I remember queuing in the canteen for my favourite chicken macaroni soup or french fries (I still queue up for fries, in the NIE canteen; some things haven’t changed). I would also spend recess playing games such as hopscotch, five stones and “What Time is it, Mr Wolf? with my friends”. Oftentimes, I would head to the school library to check out books. Favourites included Anne of Green Gables, and the Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys series, which were very popular at the time. I read Enid Blyton, as did many children of that time and some titles I read included Noddy, The Enchanted Faraway Tree, The Naughtiest Girl, Secret Seven, Famous Five and Malory Towers.”
Associate Professor Loh Chin Ee on board Bus No. 181 to Arab Street for a History project in 1989
Associate Professor Chow Jia Yi
Physical Education and Sports Science (PESS) Academic Group
“Everyone knows my love for sports, and as you can probably guess, I would be actively engaged in various sports and games not only during recess but before and after school. Football was my favourite, and I remember having to bring my own football to school to play with my friends. We were also fans of “One Leg”, a game that required us to hop on one leg while attempting to tag others without stepping out of the restricted perimeter. I vividly remember the days my friends and I used to conspire through hand signals so that we could be placed in the same sporting teams. We ended up winning almost every football match. Of course, I would also make time for Teo Chew Porridge, which was my canteen favourite back in the day!”
Associate Professor Chow Jia Yi (extreme left) posing with his friends
Associate Professor Chow Jia Yi (fifth from left, standing) with his secondary school football team
Associate Professor Tan Seng Chee
Learning Sciences and Assessment (LSA) Academic Group
“I loved school! During recess, you would find me in the school library glued to the Mandarin version of the Doraemon comic. If not, I would either play hopscotch, enjoy a snack with my friends, or drink my favourite green bean soup, which was so cheap and easy to eat. Being a sports enthusiast from young, I would try to play at every opportunity that I got. In fact, that was how my love for table tennis started. When my classes ended at 1pm, I would stay back in the school to play table tennis through the afternoon as I was in the school team. I even attended the flag-lowering ceremony with the pupils in the afternoon session!”