Editor’s Note /

This issue marks the end of my term as Editor of NIEWS. It has been a meaningful experience working on the past four issues, where we covered multiple topics about the impact of COVID-19 on education.

The stories and interviews highlighted the resilience of educators and the education system in confronting the challenges presented by the pandemic. Looking through the issues, I am especially heartened by how much the National Institute of Education has grown over the past year. Despite being physically apart, it was perseverance and innovation that had kept us going, evidenced by the many occasions where we had to come up with new initiatives and adapt our practices to the new normal.

This underscores the importance of developing quality educators and education researchers who are ready and empowered to take teaching and learning to new heights — and beyond geographical borders!

While we continue to tackle the pandemic and place our attention on the science behind the viruses and vaccines, this issue reminds us to rekindle our innovative spirit — to be curious about the world around us, to embrace the challenges that come with change, and to find ways to transform adversities into opportunities.

Associate Professor, Teo Tang Wee