Teo Tang Wee
In the past 17 years, Teo Tang Wee has pursued her interest in STEM teaching and research. She takes a critical stance in her STEM equity work and strongly believes in the importance of education as a social leveller. She enjoys having the personal and quiet time to do her thinking and writing while enjoying a good cup of coffee. Her favourite workout is none other than Kickboxing!

Patricia Campbell
Patricia’s favourite part of the weekend is when she gets to spend time with her family and friends. To her, nothing beats the sound of laughter and a room filled with the gastronomical aroma of home-cooked food. When some downtime is at hand, she enjoys cuddling with her dogs, watching a good movie, or immersing herself in an art exhibition. When life takes on a challenge, she faces them head-on and rewards herself by indulging in a good bake.

Adelin Toh
A self-confessed foodie, Adelin loves food and revels in cooking up a storm for her family and friends. A firm believer in the belief that every child can be a little gourmand, she avidly encourages her daughter to try every fruit, vegetable and spice that is available. When she is not busy with her rambunctious toddler, she loves to take long therapeutic walks with her golden retriever — Hapi, or find inspiration in fashion magazines or books.

Grace Tan
Blessed with a strong inquisitive mind, Grace takes pride in being an idea generator. Deriving great joy in bringing ideas to life, she often finds herself lost in thought, engrossed in finding answers. Whenever stressed, she finds herself shopping, singing, or dabbling in handicraft works. Always in the pursuit for self-improvement, she seeks to improve her baking skills.

Chin Wen Hui
One with an adventurous spirit, Wen Hui adores travelling. Perpetually intrigued by the spectrum of cultures found all over the globe, she is always on the look out for her next travel destination. When unable to travel, she finds herself exploring the homeland instead. A homebody at heart, Wen Hui relishes her alone time and enjoys bumming on the couch while keeping up with her dramas.
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