October - December 2017 | Issue 101



October 2017
06 - 27 Oct 2017
(every Friday)
4 Weeks of Strong Knees & Joints Program (Talk & Exercise)
11 Oct CJ Koh Professorial Public Lecture 2017: Lessons for Singapore, from an ongoing, longitudinal study of the human health, development and well-being: What do these mean for education policies, schools and educators?
13 Oct Leaders in Education Programme (LEP) 2017 Graduation
16 Oct Regional Visit Gallery Walk Exhibition by MLS July cohort
17 Oct Master of Arts in Professional Education (MAPE) MAPE programme preview session with Institute of Adult Learning (IAL) Singapore
25 Oct Deepavali Celebrations 2017
Discovering 4 Pillars of a Healthy Brain
27 - 28 Oct Graduate Student Conference 2017
November 2017
10 Nov Leading Foundation Teacher Awards 2017
2 Nov Graduation Ceremony for Diploma and Advanced Diploma programmes 2017
8 Nov A REAL-CRPP Seminar/Workshop: Using Digital Storytelling to Extend the Teaching of Written Communication
12 Nov Great Eastern Women Run 2017
13 Nov SCM Briefing
24 – 26 Nov ITCHY FINGERS 2017 Art Exhibition