Nurture & Nature
April - June 2018 | Issue #103

Paul Lincoln

Passionate about technology, Paul is often seen with sleeves rolled up, experimenting with some form of newfangled technology. A Senior Lecturer and Assistant Head with a wonderful team at the Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) Academic Group, he finds much of his creative and academic pursuits in the amalgamation of new media technologies with art and education.

Patricia Campbell

Patricia’s favourite part of the weekend is when she gets to spend time with her family and friends.

Adelin Toh

A self-confessed foodie, Adelin loves food and revels in cooking up a storm for her family and friends.

Alan Ho

A fervent pursuer of knowledge, Alan appreciates delving into a good book and watching a thought-provoking movie.

Tan Jiun Jia

A believer of the horoscope, Jiun Jia considers herself a typical Gemini who is fun-loving and fascinated about everything under the sun.

Chin Wen Hui

One with an adventurous spirit, Wen Hui adores travelling.

Grace Tan

Blessed with a strong inquisitive mind, Grace takes pride in being an idea generator.