An Institute of
Report Card
Applications For Exchange Programmes Go Online
  • Photo (Left to right) Mr Sunny Sitoe, Ms Lau JiaLing, Ms Fong Xue Ying, Mr Benny Lam Nah Peng, Associate Professor Lim Kam Ming, Ms Arputharajan Devi and Ms Michelle Lim
  • Photo (Left to right) Ms Loh Pek Mee, Mr Sunny Sitoe, Ms Michelle Lim and Mr Henry Ngoh
  • Step-by-step instructions for online application process and other administrative procedures (Eg 1)
  • Step-by-step instructions for online application process and other administrative procedures (Eg 2)
  • Step-by-step instructions for online application process and other administrative procedures (Eg 3)

Student teachers can now apply for exchange programmes through the Integrated Student and Academic Administration System (ISAAC), thanks to an initiative by the International & School Partnerships (ISP) unit of Office of Teacher Education in collaboration with the ISAAC team. The digitisation of application forms and other processes is part of the push towards a future-ready NIE.

User feedback has been positive so far. Said second-year Bachelor of Arts (Education) student teacher, (Ms) Yee Jie Ying, "The system is very efficient to use because my personal details were already filled up. An online form also minimises the back-and-forth if something needed to be edited." | Read More |

Supplementing the effort, the ISP unit also worked with Ms Loh Pek Mee and Mr Henry Ngoh from NIE’s Centre for Innovation in Learning (IN-Learning) to produce a video guide for applicants keen on Semester Exchange. Featuring voice-overs by student teachers Ms Jean Lim and Mr Wan Md Alif, the video offers step-by-step instructions for the online application process and other administrative procedures. Check out the video here.

Report Card