An Institute of
Director's Address 2018: A Future-Ready National Institute Of Education

By the Office of Strategic Planning & Academic Quality

Professor Christine Goh unveiled the NIE Strategic Vision 2022 (NIE 2022) with the theme, 'A Future-Ready National Institute of Education’ at her inaugural NIE Director’s Address on 27 August 2018. The annual address, attended by nearly 600 faculty and staff, was held at LT 1 and simulcast to LT2 and LT12. | Read More |

NIE 2022 was developed over three years of planning and consultation with internal and external key stakeholders. It outlined the Institute’s strategic priorities for its next lap of growth.

Along with the unveiling of NIE 2022, Professor Goh presented the renewed NIE Vision and NIE Mission statements. Both statements had been updated in consultation with the NIE 2022 strategic taskforces and special committees. The updated statements reflected NIE’s current strategic directions and the need to maintain its relevance in the evolving education landscape.

The focus on continuous improvement and innovation is underscored by the theme for NIE 2022, which highlights the need for all NIE faculty and staff to adopt a future-ready mindset. Professor Goh shared that ‘future-readiness’ is a state-of-mind. It is imperative for NIE and all members of its faculty and staff to strive for continuous improvement and be ready to take on new opportunities and challenges.

Professor Low Ee Ling (Dean for Teacher Education), Professor John Wang (Dean for Graduate Studies and Professional Learning), Professor David Hung (Dean for Education Research), Professor Rebecca Ang (Dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs) and Associate Professor Chang Chew Hung (Chief Planning Officer) also took turns to present a preview of some of the key strategic initiatives that their units are planning to implement for NIE 2022.

The NIE senior leadership then fielded questions from the audience.

In her closing remarks, Professor Goh thanked every faculty and staff who had contributed towards the current success of NIE. Recounting Alice’s encounter with the Cheshire Cat from Lewis Carroll’s book, Alice in Wonderland, Professor Goh highlighted the importance of having a clear sense of where one wants to go so as to channel our energies in the right direction. She urged all members of the NIE faculty and staff to pull together in the same direction to achieve the NIE Strategic Vision 2022 of a “Future-Ready National Institute of Education”.

An Institute of Distinction: Leading the Future of Education
Inspiring Learning, Transforming Teaching, Advancing Research
NIE 2022

Developing “life-long, life-deep, life-wide and life-wise” programmes and pedagogies

Leading and exemplifying learning technologies and innovations in pedagogies

Developing an overarching institutional research strategy and strengthening the research-practice nexus


Boosting the visibility of NIE’s strengths and achievements through our key stakeholders such as MOE and NTU

Deepening affiliations with both regional and international partners

Strengthening alumni relations towards a life-long NIE affiliation


Developing a culture of trust and a growth and solutions mindset to support NIE’s mission

Investing in faculty and staff professional development and developing enablers for talent attraction

Bolstering support and structures for programmes, research and administrative execellence
