January - March 2018 | Issue 102


Better Mental Well Being
at the NIE Wellness Centre

Officially opened on 22 February 2012 by Professor Bertil Andersson, President of NTU, the NIE Wellness Centre is a training centre for postgraduate students in educational psychology, counselling psychology, and counselling. These trainees are from the Master of Arts in Applied Psychology and Master of Arts in Counselling & Guidance programmes at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE-NTU).

At the Centre, all trainees are supervised by staff who are Registered Psychologists listed on the Singapore Register of Psychologists (SRP) and professional counsellors registered by the Singapore Association of Counselling (SAC).

The NIE Wellness Centre offers affordable psychological assessment and counselling services of a high standard to staff and students at NIE-NTU. It also caters to disadvantaged and low-SES families in the community. These services are carried out by trainee psychologists under the supervision of registered psychologists and counsellors, and include:

  • Personal counselling to individuals, couples and families
  • Career and academic counselling
  • Psychological assessments for adults (Cognitive and Personality)
  • Psychological assessment for children (Assessment and management of child behavioural issues, learning difficulties, and giftedness)
  • Vocational and career assessment


Wellness services provided by
Trainee Psychologists and Counsellors
Counselling for NIE and NTU students / staff Free
Counselling for Unemployed adults / students $15 per hour
Counselling for Employed adults $30 per hour
Psychological Assessments (including reports) $300

To make an appointment with a counsellor or psychologist, or to enquire more about our services, please email nie.wellness@nie.edu.sg or call us at 6790 3318.

For more information on the NIE Wellness Centre, do visit http://www.nie.edu.sg/about-us/campus-facilities/nie-wellness-centre

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