Advancing Professional Discourse On Geography

The Southeast Asian Geography Association (SEAGA) is a professional organisation of geographers and geography educators headquartered at NIE. A number of NIE colleagues from the Humanities and Social Studies Education Academic Group serve as key members of its executive committee.

In 2017, SEAGA’s 13th biennial conference was held in Jakarta in collaboration with Unversitas Indonesia and the Indonesian Geographical Society. The theme of the conference was “Geography For Global Understanding: Sustainable Changes In Environment, Society And People”, to underscore the dynamism in an ever-changing world and the relevance of geographical issues today.

Issues relating to globalisation and sustainability are serious challenges in a world confronting unprecedented changes in environment and society. The conference featured eight keynote and plenary sessions, two panel discussions, 99 paper presentations, a poster session workshop and two fieldtrips. The event was attended by more than 150 delegates, including academics, social activists, educators and students from countries like Australia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea and Vietnam.

As an association, SEAGA endeavours to collaborate with colleagues around the world on issues that are of relevance to Southeast Asia, and to mutually inspire further discourse on geography.

Professor Christine Goh Is New NIE Director

Professor Christine Goh will take over from teacher education stalwart, Professor Tan Oon Seng, as NIE Director on 1 July 2018. Professor Goh first joined NIE in 1994 and was Dean of...

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Advocating Talent Development And Impactful Research

A key imperative for the 21st century lies in developing talented individuals to tackle social and scientific problems, and determining appropriate opportunities to transform abilities into expertise...

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Celebrating 10 Years Of Building Educational Bridges

It is the 10th anniversary of the “Building Educational Bridges: Innovation for School Leaders” programme this year. A group of 20 school leaders from Singapore and the United Kingdom celebrated...

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Enrichment For Leaders Of Professional Development

Over the last few months, Professional Development (PD) leaders from various Academic Groups had the opportunity to attend several PD seminars and workshops organised by the Office of...

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A Broader Understanding Of Singapore

Singapore Kaleidoscope is a compulsory course under the enhanced Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) programme. Each year, two symposia are organised to equip PGDE student...

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Enhancing Geography Education Through Partnerships

The Geography Teacher Educators’ Conference is an annual event for geography tutors from Institutes of Higher Education in the UK to gather and exchange ideas as well as discuss research and current...

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Connecting With Global Education Researchers

The American Education Research Association (AERA) is the largest national interdisciplinary research association devoted to the scientific study of education and learning. Through...

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Professional Learning That Matters

Associate Professor Chang Chew Hung, Associate Dean for Professional Development at NIE, was invited to deliver a keynote address at an international conference organised by...

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Embracing Our Mother Tongues

The first Symposium on Innovative Teaching and Learning of Mother Tongue Languages (SITLM) was held at NIE on 8 March 2018. Themed “Innovative Practice, Practice Innovation...

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Fostering Research Collaboration With South Korea

Seoul National University (SNU) and NIE came together recently to organise a symposium themed “Building Bridges: Fostering International Research Collaboration in Education”...

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Education In The City: Are Values Caught Or Taught?

The Office of Education Research (OER), together with the National Library Board (NLB), presented the second “Education In The City” lecture on 23 March 2018. The “Education In The City” ...

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Humanities Education in Singapore – Where to Next?

The Office of Education Research (OER), in collaboration with the Academy of Singapore Teachers, held a humanities education research seminar on 20 March 2018.The seminar...

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The Teacher-Researcher: Juggling Dual Roles

On 21 February 2018, higher degree students at NIE were invited to a talk about nurturing the professional identity of teachers and the process of academic publishing. The lecture by...

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NIE Welcomes Distinguished Visitors

In March and May 2018, NIE played host to distinguished guests from South Africa, New Zealand and Spain who were in Singapore to explore collaboration and...

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Celebrating Our Heroes: NIE Caring Teacher Awards

The Caring Teacher Awards (CTA) is a biennial event that recognises and pays tribute to local school teachers who have gone the extra mile to show care and concern for the...

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