October - December 2017 | Issue 101


Nurturing Leaders
For Change In The
Education Professions

Having spent many years refining one’s craft in a professional field, a compelling next step for leaders of change in education and education-related professions is to embark on the Doctor in Education programme (EdD) at the National Institute of Education (NIE).

Hereare three graduates from the EdD Class of 2017.

Dr Rachel Goh, a graduate from the NIE EdD, and a Senior Academy Officer from the English Language Institute of Singapore at the Ministry of Education, has conductedresearch on teacher learning communities and lesson study. As an expert in teacher professional development, Dr Goh examines the impact of context, teaching experiences, and existing practices on the conduct of lesson study. Her strong commitment to the education profession and the EdD programme has won her the 2017 Tan PoeyQuee Awards for Best EdD Student and Best EdD Dissertation. Dr Gohcommends the scholarly rigour of NIE’s programmes and the institute’s premier role in the advancement of educational research and practice locally and internationally.

Dr Tham Kum Ying graduated from the EdD (Dual Award)programme with University College London Institute of Education.Before she became part of the team that set up Singapore’s third medical school, the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine at NTU, Dr Thamplayedan instrumental role in the education of healthcare professionals.As Senior Consultant, Education Director, and Assistant Chairman, Medical Board (Education) at Tan Tock Seng Hospital, she has honed the art of interweaving clinical practice with leadership roles in medical education.As both senior physician and educational leader, she effectively bridges the two roles.Dr Tham’s gratitude towards the programme is evident when she says, “The EdD course work introduced me to qualitative research and methods, and has enhanced my ability to collect, manage and interpret rich and illustrative data that are often missing in quantitative methods. Currently, I am using qualitative methods in some of my research work especially in understanding the ideas and concerns of my patients and students.”

Fr Dr Johnny Chupeco Go combines his spiritual calling as a Jesuit Catholic priest with the fervour of educating the younger generation. Also a graduate from the EdD (Dual Award) programme with University College London Institute of Education, Fr Dr Go was recently conferred the Luceat Lux Award by the Xavier School in the Philippines. In addition,Fr Dr Go is recognised as a visionary education leader in his home country. “It has been a great privilege for me to study at NIE! Not only did I learn from the infectious scholarship of our professors, but I also benefited much from interacting with some of the most experienced educators in the region. The scholarly and professional conversations in class provoked much thought and also deepened my appreciation of our collective ‘wisdom of practice’,”Fr Dr Go enthused.

Visit http://www.nie.edu.sg/higher-degrees/doctor-in-education-edd for more information on the NIE EdD.

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