An Institute of
Report Card
Congratulations, Class of 2018!

NIE Director, Professor Christine Goh, hailed the contributions and achievements of past leadership teams as NIE celebrated the graduation of the pioneer cohorts from the NTU-NIE Teaching Scholars Programme (TSP) and enhanced NIE Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) programmes.

This year’s NIE Teacher’s Investiture Ceremony (TIC) witnessed the graduation of 885 new and returning teachers, which included the inaugural batch of teaching scholars from the TSP, one of the university’s premier scholars’ programmes. It was also a significant occasion for the enhanced PGDE graduands, who were the first to complete an extended 16-month curriculum that included more teaching practicum and pedagogical preparation. | Read More |

In her first TIC speech as NIE Director, Professor Goh paid tribute to NIE’s past directors for laying down the firm foundations on which NIE can build more success and further its mission of inspiring learning, transforming teaching and advancing research. She mentioned how, owing to the vision and dedication of past leadership teams, NIE was transformed into the well-regarded institute for teacher education that it is known today.

NIE would not be the stellar institution it is today, said Professor Goh, without the achievements of past leaders such as the late Dr Ruth Wong, Dr Sim Wong Kooi, Professor Gloria Lim, Professor Leo Tan, the late Professor Lee Sing Kong and her immediate predecessor, Professor Tan Oon Seng.

The TIC was held over two days at the NTU Nanyang Auditorium, with the investiture on 11 July officiated by Mr Ong Ye Kung, Minister for Education, while Mr Chee Hong Tat, Senior Minister of State for Trade and Industry and Education, was guest of honour at the ceremony on 12 July.

The exceptional achievements of 39 award recipients were also honoured at the TIC. Amongst them were the following five winners, who each received multiple awards:

Ms Lin SiyueBachelor of Arts (Education)
  • Lee Kuan Yew Gold Medal
  • Association of Mathematics Educators Book Prize
  • The Tan Poey Quee Practicum Book Prize
  • The Victor Neo Book Prize
Mr Roysmond Sim Zhen WeiBachelor of Science (Education)
  • Lee Kuan Yew Gold Medal
  • Rotary International 75th Anniversary Gold Medal
  • Sng Yew Chong Award
  • The IPS Book Prize
Mr Joel Ong Xuan YouPostgraduate Diploma in Education (Primary)
  • NIE Gold Medal
  • Justice Choor Singh Book Prize
  • Singapore Association For The Advancement of Science Prize
Ms Fam Hui YuenBachelor of Arts (Education)
  • Rotary International 75th Anniversary Gold Medal
  • Association of Nanyang University Graduates Book Prize
  • Koh Boon Hwee Scholars Award (NTU Convocation 2018)
Ms Low YihuiPostgraduate Diploma in Education (Primary)
  • Association of Mathematics Educators Book Prize
  • Wong Hee Hua Memorial Prize

Congratulations to all 885 new and returning teachers who now carry the torch of nation building for Singapore! Click here to view the full list of awards and award winners.

Report Card