An Institute of
Harnessing IoT for Education

As the world becomes increasingly connected through sensors and smart devices, a revolution known as the Internet of Things (IoT) has opened up new possibilities for teaching and learning, both pedagogically and technologically.

For example, the concept of IoT can offer tremendous potential for immersive learning experiences, allowing learners to make sense of real-time data for short experiments as well as long-term data trend analysis. This would encourage greater participation in collaborative as well as inquiry-based learning, as learners would be able to share data with one another for the identification of hidden patterns for discussion and for the proofing of hypotheses. | Read More |

With the opening of the S$1.9 million IoT@NIE Learning Lab on 28 May 2018 by Second Permanent Secretary of Education, Mr Lai Chung Han, NIE educators and student teachers can now look forward to collaborative design projects as well as participate in innovative learning experience.

The laboratory is the result of a collaborative effort between the Info-communications Media Development Authority (IMDA) and NIE to provide a tech-enabled space for educators and learners to explore new ideas and experiments and to evolve teaching and learning experiences.

The IoT@NIE Learning Lab is located at NIE2-01-02, and open on weekdays from 10.30am till 12.30pm. Academics, educators and student teachers are welcome to explore and tinker at the lab.

Click here for the press release on the IoT@NIE Learning Lab.