October - December 2017 | Issue 101


Envisioning a
Future-Ready NIE
NIE Annual
Management Retreat

With‘Envisioning a Future-Ready NIE’as the main event theme, management leaders of the National Institute of Education (NIE)gathered at the PARKROYAL on Beach Road on 7 July 2017 for the Annual Management Retreat 2017. The event was organised by the Office of Strategic Planning and Academic Quality (SPAQ) with inputs from NIE senior management and Professor Paul Teng.

Professor Tan Oon Seng, NIE Director, opened the session by highlighting the need for NIE to continue to embrace innovative thinking and practices as an Institute. For NIE to remain relevant and competitive in an evolving landscape, Professor Tan encouraged the continuous review of NIE programmes and processes, andthe deepening of strategic collaborations within NIE and with external partners.He alsoassured members of the faculty and the staff that NIE would continue to invest in talent development andpersevere in the drive towards organisational excellence and renewal.

Next, Professor Low Ee Ling, Chief Planning Officer, updated the management leaders on the development of NIE’s new Strategic Roadmap (2018 – 2022). This included the identification of five Strategic Areas forthe co-creation of the new Roadmap followingdiscussionsat Senior Management planning retreats and with advice from Professor Paul Teng.She also announced the formation of five cross-departmental Strategic Taskforces that would gather insights and recommendations on each oftheStrategic Areas for presentation to the Senior Management by end-2017. The new Roadmap is targeted for rollout in Academic Year 2018/19. The management leaders then broke into groups to discuss what ‘A Future-Ready NIE’ would look like for each of the five Strategic Areas.

Following a lunch break, representatives from the breakout groups took turns to present ideas that could help transform NIE in the areas of teaching and learning, research and organisational excellence. NIE management leaders supported the appeal to increase platforms for teaching innovation and multidisciplinary collaboration, and the enhancing of synergies among Academic Groups, offices and departments to optimise work efficiency and service excellence.

In his closing remarks, Professor Tan Oon Seng commended NIE management stafffor the dedication and commitment evident in their work and leadership. Heencouraged all staff, regardless of position or appointment, to contribute to NIE as best as they can for the future of teacher education, the broader education system and Singapore.

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