January - March 2018 | Issue 102


Changing the Game
on Thinking

The 11th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL 2017) was held on 5 and 6 October 2017 at the FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences, Graz, Austria. The international conference was well attended by game-based education researchers and practitioners from all over the world.

With the encouraging response he received for his work at the 7th Irish Conference on Game-Based Learning (iGBL 2017) in June, Mr Tan Hsiao Yuz from the Visual & Performing Arts Academic Group in NIE went on to present his latest game with a broader perspective, “STORY SQUARES© —Rethinking Ways for Brainstorming”, to a global audience at the ECGBL 2017.

Humbled by the interest shown in his work, Mr Tan was further fortunate to have been able to network directly with the conference chair of ECGBL 2017, Dr Maja Pivec, during a welcome reception specially hosted by the Mayor of Graz. The conversations struck up across the many domains proved insightful and liberating.

Mr Tan carefully navigated the multiple literacies that support his work as he proposed STORY SQUARES© as an alternative to brainstorming for creative purposes to stakeholders in the global community of game-based education.

“That is a very interesting game you have there.”—David Wells, Senior Lecturer, University of East London.

As a full demonstration was not possible given the strict time constraints on each presenter, it took a little longer for the audience to understand the game and express their interest. Mr Tan was grateful towards his new academic acquaintances from iGBL 2017 who had previously experienced the game and made efforts to promote it to others. This in no small way led to great exposure for the game and what it can really do, as many soon came forward to share their knowledge and suggestions on how it can be made it better.

“This contribution extends to multiple domains and goes well beyond art education, and that of an art teacher.”—Kemi Labinjo, Barrister, Director and Senior Consultant, Amber & Greene.

Not one to rest on his laurels, Mr Tan has since embarked on a study trip to the Tokyo Toy Museum from 22 to 26 October to further pursue design intentions for his work.

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