January - March 2018 | Issue 102


Learning Financial
Literacy as a
Lifelong Skill

As Singapore embarks on a Smart Nation initiative to become a cashless society, financial literacy, or the knowledge of managing one’s financial resources, is fast gaining importance. Without handling physical money, children must learn to make informed decisions with money, because our needs and wants grow increasingly expensive as we mature. Therefore, it is imperative that youths are taught lifelong skills of financial literacy.

One event which NIE helped to organise recently was the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore’s (CPAS) Roadshow and Sporty Step Challenge. Over two days, 70 students from four Secondary Schools convened at Hougang Mall, where they practiced their communication skills by bravely approaching the public to spread awareness about cerebral palsy. Their entrepreneurial and marketing skills were honed as they implemented marketing strategies to raise funds by selling CPAS client-made products. The students also participated in a sports activity together with CPAS clients to better understand and empathise with the challenges that people with disabilities undergo.

Additional efforts in imparting financial literacy to youths were conducted through post-exam programmes at schools. Students learnt financial literacy and other life skills through the L3 (Life-long Learning) board game, and were exposed to topics such as economic cycles and how to invest wisely. The experience of learning through play proved so fun and engaging that the students and teachers were happy to keep playing!

We thank all who have worked with us to enrich the educational experience of our students and promote financial literacy. To learn more about our programs and educational resources, visit http://www.finlit.nie.edu.sg or email us at finlit@nie.edu.sg

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