January - March 2018 | Issue 102


Mentoring That
Made A

On 4 November 2017, Dr Rani Sumant Rubdy received the SAAL Mentoring Medal from The Singapore Association for Applied Linguists (SAAL). Dr Rubdy is the second recipient of the award. She was nominated by her former PhD supervisees, Associate Professor Ruanni Tupas and Dr Anitha Devi Pillai.

The SAAL Mentoring Medal was created in 2015 to recognise outstanding academics for their inspirational mentorship of their former supervisees. Recipients of the SAAL Mentoring Medal have to be nominated by their former supervisees. The nominator must show evidence of producing research and scholarship in the same field of study as their nominated mentor as proof of this lasting legacy and display promise of becoming a leading scholar in the field, just like their mentor. Nominators should also be past or present SAAL members, and both nominator and nominee have to be a past or present Singapore-based academic.


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