January - March 2018 | Issue 102


Working Out the Next
Stage for Mathematics
Education in Singapore

On 14 September 2017, the Office of Education Research (OER) held a Mathematics Education Research Seminar in collaboration with the Academy of Singapore Teachers (AST).

Themed “Mathematics Education in Singapore: Where to Next?”, the seminar sought to generate discussions on the state of mathematics education in Singapore classrooms and how the teaching of mathematics can be transformed to enrich students’ learning. The event attracted a large turnout of around 180 participants, which included mathematics teachers, subject heads, and MOE policymakers.

Researchers from NIE’s Mathematics and Mathematics Education Academic Group (MME AG) and OER’s Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice (CRPP) and Learning Sciences Lab (LSL) presented the findings from their research studies and highlighted its implications for the Singapore classroom.

The presenters were Associate Professor Tay Eng Guan (MME AG), Associate Professor Toh Tin Lam (MME AG), Professor Berinderjeet Kaur (MME AG), Associate Professor Lee Ngan Hoe (MME AG), Dr Eric Chan (MME AG), Dr Melvin Chan (CRPP), and Dr David Huang (LSL).

The seminar concluded with a panel discussion that saw Associate Professor Tay Eng Guan serving as the moderator, and Professor Kaur, Associate Professor Leong, Dr Eric Chan, Dr Huang and Dr Melvin Chan as panellists. Some of the topics discussed included “How to motivate students to learn mathematics” and “Assessing students’ reasoning and communication skills in mathematics”.

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